Hymns & Curses is a custom tattoo shop humbly nestled within Murfreesboro, NC.
Every person, every tattoo, every piercing is not only a work of art, but a personal story of a lifelong voyage. We want to help every client’s body art to tell their inspirational story by providing exemplary customer service and the best quality product in a safe and sanitary environment.

We now offer Stretch Mark & Scar Rejuvenation!
MCA (Multi-Trepannic Collagen Actuation) is clinically proven for improving the appearance of scars and burns.
Benefits are achieved in wrinkle and stretch mark fillings, scar remodelling, and skin re-pigmentation.

Aftercare is very important to the health of your tattoo & piercing.
Hymns & Curses is happy to work with our customers to help them understand what will happen and how to handle special circumstances.