One of the most important steps to Rejuvenation is the aftercare. With proper aftercare, you can expect the best results and quick healing time. If you do not follow the proper aftercare guidelines, you can cause a slower healing process, hyper-pigmentation and improper healing.

You are encouraged to bring loose and comfortable clothing for the treatment. Immediately following your treatment, you can expect the treated area to be red, inflamed, raised, and/or itchy. This is normal and may take a couple of days to subside.

Minor itchiness can be relieved by after-care cream on the area (starter packs are provided at the time of your session).

Since all treatments are non-invasive procedures, there is no downtime. Most resume work the same day or the following day and are asked to closely follow the after-care plan to have the best outcome and results. 

Please remember, our treatments help to make stretch marks significantly less noticeable.  Nothing will ever completely eliminate stretch marks.

The Day Before Treatment: Exfoliate

We ask clients to exfoliate the day before treatment, to smooth the area and remove any dead skin from the area.

First Two Weeks After Treatment

  • Do not scratch the treated area. It may be slightly itchy, from healing, but it’s important to NOT SCRATCH! If the itching is unbearable, we recommend to lightly pat the area.

  • We recommend our patients apply Aquaphor to the treated area as well as our Rejuvenation Serum.

  • Do not swim or sweat in the treated areas for 2 weeks after.

2 Months After Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure for 60 days.

  • Plan to book a consult to assess if further treatment is needed.


Your stretch marks will go through a series of changes for 60-90 days. For example, the marks may get darker before getting lighter, it’s important to have patience when healing from this treatment.

Some patients may fully heal in 60 days and some may take 90, it can change depending on your diet, skin tone, skin type and more.

About 40% of our clients do come back for a touchup. It depends on each individual, how well they follow post-care instructions and how their skin takes the treatment.

Tattoo Aftercare | Piercing Aftercare | Appointment Policy | Touch-Up Policy